
Twice Exceptional (2e) 

Twice Exceptional (2e) students are gifted and talented with a co-occurring disability.  The be 2e is to forever be a square peg in a world of round holes.  2e's typically perform above the academic and social levels that would cause concern by a school district, but far below what they are capable of. This dissonance can often result in acting out, depression, or aversion toward school as a whole.  

Effective, highly quality assessment is a necessary starting point, but by no means sufficient!  Ellie Morrissey serves 2e's with a two-part approach:

  • A comprehensive psychoeducational assessment. This assessment is uniquely tailored to the specific student. It will include a detailed review of the student's history, interviews with stakeholders, surveys, and between 3 and 6 hours of direct assessment. Special attention is given to the unique social and mental health challenges faced by 2e's.

  • A comprehensive neuro-academic assessment. Why assess academically when most 2e's are at or above grade level? Many 2e's are able to effectively perform academic skills, but may be using inefficient (e..g, memorizing multiplication tables instead of understanding quantity) strategies to do so. This often causes holes in learning, and frustration later on. Neuro-academic assessments not only yield baselines of academic achievement, but provide information on the building block skill necessary for academic success.